Saturday, August 15, 2015


After sleeping off Steve and Edie from the previous evening of insufferable dueling pianos, we headed out of Durango toward Flagstaff.  And of course, we had to stop at the Four Corners monument!

We did the obligatory one foot in each state and stood ourselves on the exact spot the states meet.  Unfortunately, it's not the real exact spot.  Three of the states couldn't ever agree on where that line actually should be...they even went to court about it.  But they pretty much ran out of money and interest, so the monument stays where it is...about eight thousand feet from where it should be.  

Beyond the four corners, the landscape was amazing.  And all I could think of was:  

If you're on a highway and Road Runner goes Beep-Beep,
Just step aside or you might end up in a heap.

Road Runner, Road Runner runs on the road all day.
Even the coyote can't make him change his ways.

Road Runner, the coyote's after you.
Road Runner, if he catches you you're through!

Road Runner, the coyote's after you.
Road Runner, if he catches you you're through.

That coyote is really a crazy clown,
When will he learn that he never can mow him down?

Poor little Road Runner never bothers anyone,
Just runnin' down the road's his idea of having fun.


We got to Flagstaff and immediately hit the Beaver Street Brewery, followed closely by Mother Road Brewery.  It was a good day.  Tomorrow?  Sedona, of course!

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